Me, Megan, and two girls that I work with at Church
Hello! My name is Megan Rose and I would officially like to welcome you to my new blog: warmilkandripebananas. I'll tell you how I came up with the name of this blog later, but first of all, let me tell you a little bit about myself. I was born at 6:06 am on Dec. 19, 1977, six days before Christmas, in Roosevelt, Utah to the best Mother in the world- Joan- and the best Father in the world- John. I mean, with the names Joan and John, they would just have to get married! Right? I was born an hour and six minutes after my fraternal twin sister, Molly- who is awesome by the way. With the names Megan and Molly, who could go wrong there? My family stayed in Utah for 6 months, then moved to Wisconsin, where my Mother- who is 100% Polish with Catholic roots- was born and raised, and where her Parents- Evelyn and Joseph- or Joe, live. My fabulous sister Larissa, who is 18 months younger than me, was born there and then Tommy, my ultra cool brother a good 20 months later. Amy, with her long dark hair and a large birth mark on her forehead, was born a little over two years after Tommy (whose real name is Thomas but we all call him Tommy except his wife). After Amy was born we moved to New Mexico, where I attended Kindergarten for a while and then moved up to Shoup, ID- population 4, where his Dad, the World's Best Grandpa and his wife, who I have always known as Grandma and a very lovely woman at that, own a Gold Mine and take pictures of the those who brave the white water rafting down Snake river and where my Mom home schooled my sisters and I. Later we moved to Mesa, Arizona and then to the rainy state of Washington.
David, my second awesome brother, was born in Bremerton, Washington- two years after Amy. Upon finding Washington cold, hilly and rainy, my Dad- a school counselor and native Californian- returned to the state of his birth and found a job in Victorville, California. I was 9 years old at the time of this transplant, but soon became a native California- getting sunburned often and playing in the HIgh Desert. We stayed there, in the same house, until I graduated High School at #11 in the class and left for Brigham Young University, on a half scholarship, but that is another story. Kelsy, my sweet sister and last of the clan, was born four years after David, when I was 11 1/2. As tied for the oldest of seven children, I helped raise Kelsy and vowed that I would one day have seven children of my own, including twins.
I am now well on my way to having those seven children. I met my handsome and wonderful husband, Joshua (or Josh as we all call him) at BYU after a year and a half long LDS Church Mission to Northern Spain. We dated for four months and were engaged for two as most Mormons do. I got married and graduated with a degree in Elementary Education and started teaching third grade at a year round school in Riverton, Utah, all within a one month span. Upon getting married, I informed my poor husband that I wanted to have twins. We started trying four months after we got married and succeeded a month later. Now, four children 6 and under, including a set of identical twin boys I am well on my way to having those seven children of my own. I'm a stay at home Mom and I love it. My oldest is a girl and she attends kindergarten at the second to closest public school here in Maryland, just outside of D.C. My twin boys, at the tender age of 4 1/2 attend preschool at a nearby Methodist Church. My youngest, a two year old bucket of energy boy, hangs out with me and attends the gym on a regular basis. My husband is a third year law associate for a law firm in DC but that is another story all together. My main goal in life is to raise a family unto the Lord and in doing so, I hope to be an example to my sister, my friends, my family and those who are around me. My name is Megan Rose and THIS is MY blog.
1 comment:
Wow! That's quite the family story you have. It's always nice to find people in the world who are trying to live as the Lord would have us do. I'm eager to hear more of your story!
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