Saturday, February 21, 2009

Golds Gym...

So, after my lovely blog the other day, I went to Golds Gym tonight. On Saturday they only open at 8 am and that's too late for me!! Also, I woke up at 5 am this morning and got things ready to sell for a baby bazaar. It was way fun and I met lots of neat people and friends, handed out a few of my business cards (my business is being a Mommy. That's the most important business there is: the job of making and raising little people. I'll have to take a picture of my card and post it one of these days.) Ok. I have two blogs and really don't need to write in each one each day.

My point is, I layed down on the floor of the locker room, because I was exhausted. I know gross! Even grosser? The black bug (aka cockroach) that stared back at me!!! Aaah!! I was sooo grossed out along with the 350-400 lb man that was doing leg lifts. I wanted to run away screaming. Luckily I focused on my 5k training schedule for long enough to break a sweat! I may be borrowing my two neighbors eclipticles and tread mills for a while after that experience. All I need is a new ipod. Anyone want to sell me one?

Love, Megan

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