Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Tender Mercies of the Lord

I had a small tender mercy happen to me. I have used the face wash BASIS for almost ten years now. I found it when I got off my mission and have been happily buying it ever since. It's light green, all natural, foams well, smells like mint, etc. Well, about three months into our move to the east, I ran out of my BASIS face soap. I was devastated. I tried to eek out the very last remnants of it. It was crazy. I went to other stores besides Kmart (the one store I bought it at in Provo, Utah). Walmart, Target- no luck. Finally, I found a Kmart- no luck either. Then, last Wednesday I go to my dr. appt. in Columbia, MD- a 50 minute drive from here. I talk to the dr., then go downstairs to the pharmacy and buy myself a treat for being willing to even see the dr.

Lo and behold! What do my precious eyes see? After five minutes reading the greeting cards, I wander around, looking for a treat and I spy with my little eye- a BASIS face wash! Can it be??? I asked myself? Not only was the price good ($4.99) but they also had BASIS face wash little throw- away face cleanser sheets AND a face bar. I was in Heaven! It was a Tender Mercy of the Lord. I grabbed one and was thankful I had saved some cash from the previous day (Josh now holds all my credit cards and even my checks. It's better this way!) I talked to the lady checking me out- since I '
ve been there around three times this past month and have another appt. this Wednesday.

I told her "Look at this great face wash." I know, she replies. I use it. That's why we carry it! I need a new one each month. Oh, I can make mine last for at least a year. I'm crazy and stingy like that. Anyways, lesson learned: Always check out that little pharmaceutical shop near your
dr.'s office. They should may have what you are looking for. Or maybe not. It's touch and go.

Or I could just buy it online for the same price, minus shipping. The internet is a wonderful thing. I need to use it more often!

This is my blog. My name is Megan Rose.

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